snapshot 7.14 — words

snapshot 7.14

recently finished: Nothing. It was one of those weeks where I stayed knee deep in all the things.

currently reading: Famous People by Justin Kuritzkes, a satire memoir of a kid star whose first album took off, making him a huge star. It is wild and crazy, told in a stream of consciousness and giving insight to how fame changes things for a person, especially a teenager. It’s insane fun. And I just started Please Send Help, by Gaby Dunn and Allison Raskin. A couple of friends just out of college and starting their first “real” jobs stay in touch through emails and texts, with lots of humor and love. I need more time with this one. It’s a keeper!

up next: I won a copy of J. Ryan Stradal’s new The Lager Queen of Minnesota, and I can’t wait to get started! And very soon? The newest Louise Penny! You know I can’t wait for that one!

it takes a village

stranger things

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