snapshot 5.19 — words

snapshot 5.19

recently finished: nothing new. Still working on it all.

currently reading: I’m still listening to Magpie Murders. For those of you who know it, I’m back in present day, and I am still loving this story within a story and it’s beautiful narration. I’m also reading a couple of thrillers, Wendy Walker’s The Night Before, about an internet date gone horribly wrong, and Jo Baker’s The Body Lies, about a writing teacher in a small British town who gets too close to her MFA students, and maybe gets too close to danger. And I couldn’t help but start You’ve Been Volunteered, the sequel to Laurie Gelman’s Class Mom. I really needed that this weekend.

up next: Lauren Layne’s Passion on Park Avenue, Christina Lauren’s The Unhoneymooners, Elyssa Friedland’s The Floating Feldmans, and Richard Roper’s How Not To Die. I need some good summer reading to get some rest from dark and twisty thrillers. So you know, I can get back to reading dark and twisty thrillers.

be as cheesy as you want

stone cold secrets

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