snapshot 4.7 — words

snapshot 4.7

recently finished: Save Me the Plums, Ruth Reichl’s memoir of her years at Gourmet. It was so amazing!! And she’s coming to Kansas City later this month for a book signing. I can’t wait to see her in person and hear more of her fascinating stories. 

currently reading: Saving Meghan, a twisty psychological slow burner about a woman with a sick teenager. Is she really sick, or is it all in her head? Or could it be something else, like Münchausen syndrome by proxy? I was going to finish it this weekend, but I left it at work, so it will be next week. I’m about halfway through, and I honestly have no idea exactly what is going on with this kid. Can’t wait to get back to it!

up next: I’ve got some good audiobooks I haven’t listened to yet, so I’m thinking Salt Fat Acid Heat by Samin Nosrat. She’s the one who reads it too, so I’m really looking forward to that.  

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