snapshot 4.14 — words

snapshot 4.14

recently finished: Fame Adjacent, a fun novel about what happened to all those ‘90s kid stars, through the eyes of a former co-star and internet addict. Also, The Killer in Me, a beautiful police procedural set in Ireland that looks at what happens when an innocent man is put behind bars.

currently reading: Salt, Fat, Acid, Heat, which is phenomenal to listen to. Sadly I have not yet seen any of her Netflix show, but I can understand why everyone raves about it. And I just started the new Alexander McCall Smith mystery novel, The Department of Sensitive Crimes, which comes out Tuesday. It’s set in Malmo, Sweden, and it’s about the elite squad who deal with the strangest of crimes. Up first: a man who was stabbed in the back of the knee. I can’t wait to dig in properly. And Southern Lady Code, the latest installment of essays from American Housewife’s Helen Ellis.

up next: Getting hungry, My boyfriend was awesome enough to snag a copy of Aaron Franklin’s latest, Franklin Steak, as soon as it came out last week. And I got an early copy of Elizabeth Karmel’s Steak and Cake (and yes, it’s just what it sounds like), so I will be drooling my way though recipes of steaks and cakes and maybe doing some recipe testing, just to make sure things are up to snuff (big, exaggerated wink).

the price of justice

farm, friends, and family

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