a hero to book lovers of all ages — words

a hero to book lovers of all ages

Matilda grew up in a home where she felt she didn’t belong. Her parents didn’t pay much attention to her and wanted her to be quiet and stay out of trouble and do what she was told. And for the most part, she did. But when she learned to read at age 3, reading first the cereal boxes and then the newspapers left around their house, she found an entirely different world.

She begged her parents to buy her books, but they refused. So Matilda learned to take herself to the library. She rode the bus by herself and found her local library. A quick question to a librarian got her to the children’s section, and she began to read everything. She started going daily to the library and it wasn’t long before she read through all the children’s books on the shelves and wanted to read something else. Again, a librarian kindly answered her question and lead her to Charles Dickens, which Matilda loved.

So you can imagine the commotion that Matilda caused on her first day of school.

Matilda’s teacher, Miss Honey, cannot believe her ears when Matilda talks about all the books she’s read and rattles off all her times tables in her first few minutes in the classroom. She is certain that Matilda belongs in a much more advanced class, but the school’s headmaster Miss Turnbull will not be convinced of her intelligence. She had gotten a visit from Matilda’s father in advance of her starting school, and Miss Turnbull believes Matilda to be a liar and a nuisance.

As the weeks go on and Matilda finds herself constantly fighting for her education, her friends, and her dignity, she realizes that there is no one to help her. It is up to her to use all the tools at her fingertips to fight off the bullies around her and create a life where she is heard and appreciated.

Roald Dahl’s brilliant heroine Matilda has been a favorite of readers since she first hit libraries and bookstores back in 1988, and this audio version is the even more delightful than I thought possible. Read by actress Kate Winslet with energy and enthusiasm, this version of Matilda brings to life all the magic of the beloved story in a fresh way. A truly perfect listen for children, for families, and for anyone who simply loves the story of Matilda and wants to experience it in a new, fantastic way.

a ya rom com with a kick

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