snapshot 10.13 — words

snapshot 10.13

recently finished: nothing. I have a lot to read, but I’ve been doing other things this weekend.

currently reading: This is not a good year for Meg Langslow and her family. After a tumultuous cruise in Terns of Endearment, now she’s snowed in for Christmas at her grandfather’s owl conference. The good news is that most of her family is snowed in with her. The bad news is that there are also a bunch of bird-lovers who can’t stop arguing with each other. And though I love Meg and her family, the number two rule in staying alive is not to spend a lot of time with Meg and her family (rule number one, of course, is never go to a dinner party with Jessica Fletcher). Of course, one of the ornithologists dies, and it’s up to Meg and her family and her notebook-that-tells-her-when-to-breathe to figure it all out.

up next: Do You Mind If I Cancel?, a collection of funny essays by Gary Janetti. I’m looking forward to it!

pasta party

the young and the fury-ous

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