the makeup of morality — words

the makeup of morality

Jess is a makeup artist, working hard in New York City to earn enough money to keep herself afloat. So when the chance arises to make a little extra money in a psychological survey, Jess grabs the opportunity and runs with it. But becoming a research subject in a project on morality means that Jess starts to question all her choices.

Meanwhile, the doctor creating the project, Dr. Shields, has her eye on Jessica for a special project of her own. But this exploration of ethics and humanity, of the choices we make when we think no one is watching, could reveal secrets that could destroy a life. As Jess reveals her secrets and her vulnerabilities, how far will the experiment push her before she breaks?

Told from alternating viewpoints, An Anonymous Girl is the story of what could happen to any of us if our lies, our choices, and our secrets were studied and possibly revealed. Written in the stunning slow burn twistiness of The Wife Between Us, authors Greer Hendricks and Sarah Pekkanen return to explore the relationships we have with ourselves, with the choices we make, and with the ripples that those choices cause, the pain or happiness that can last for years and years from a choice we made in an instant.

An Anonymous Girl is a fantastic novel of psychological suspense. There are twists and turns that you cannot see coming, that change everything you think you know about where the story is going and knock you for a loop. It’s a book people are going to be talking about for a long time. Join in that conversation as soon as you possibly can. Buy this book!!

Galleys for An Anonymous Girl were provided by St. Martin’s Press, with many thanks. However, I was not able to read them early, as my cat threw up on them, and I had to wait until the book was released to buy myself the Kindle version. Totally worth it!

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