snapshot 7.15 — words

snapshot 7.15

recently finished: umm, next question, please?

currently reading: I've made it about halfway through Something in the Water, which is twisty in a way I totally did not see coming. I'm really enjoying it and just waiting for some time to sit and enjoy the rest of the story. We also went on a road trip this weekend, and we chose We Are Legion (We Are Bob) to listen to. It's weird and funny and interesting and a little longer than our trip, so I can't wait to see what happens in the Bobiverse. 

up next: Out this week is Baby Teeth, which is supposed to be fantastically twisty, so I want to dive into that. And Ottessa Moshfegh's latest just came out, My Year of Rest and Relaxation. I adored Eileen (click here for my thoughts on that one), which was shortlisted for the Booker Prize last year, and I can't wait to see what kind of depraved humor she's come up with for this new one! 

i'm into something good

simple sourdoughs thanks to science

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