snapshot 6.24 — words

snapshot 6.24

recently finished: The new B.A. Paris thriller Bring Me Back. It is twisty! More about that tomorrow. 

currently reading: Still reading Social Creatures, which is difficult to race through. And I'm still reading Allison Pearson's How Hard Can It Be? because it's delightful and I don't want to hurry and finish it. It's summer, and I want to savor the good books. I've also got some cozies working, because you need some easy reading along with the thrillers. 

up next: I've been watching a lot of World Cup soccer. I wasn't sure how much I'd enjoy it--sometimes competitions like this can be a little more intense than what I'm looking for. Turns out, I'm fine and loving the soccer! As we all know, the US is not being represented there this year. The coach of the men's national team that didn't make it wrote a book about what happened, and I think I need to start reading that very soon. And we are headed out to Lidia's for dinner tomorrow night, for an event celebrating Lidia Bastianich's newest book, a memoir. I think it's time I bumped that one up my reading list. And there will be amazing pasta to boot! 

sisters, sisters, there were never such devoted sisters

washing dishes and kissing lessons

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