a tale of tails . . . and murder — words

a tale of tails . . . and murder

Owen and Hercules are not your ordinary house cats. It's not just because of Owen's fighting prowess (yes, he came back from the fight with a scratch or two and an ear needing four stitches, but you should see the other guy!). It's more about how they can understand the humans around them and can magically disappear (Owen) or walk through walls (Herc). And these magical cats belong to none other than librarian Kathleen Paulson. 

They all live in a quiet little Minnesota town where the library helps act as the heart and soul of the community. So when some undelivered mail and photos from decades ago were found in the wall of the post office, the whole bundle is brought to the library to get identified and distributed to the rightful owners, or at least to the rightful families. 

And that's not all that's showing up from the past. Two brothers, twins, show up to resolve a long-standing family rift. Decades ago, Victor stole Leo's wife away and the new couple left town. But not long after that, she was killed in a car accident, maybe trying to head back home to Victor, at least according to the local rumor mill. But when Kathleen finds Leo dead, she discovers that even long-buried secrets can come to the surface and create situations that are troubling and dangerous to family and friends. And it's up to Kathleen, her policeman boyfriend, and those magical cats to figure out what happened and bring the killer to justice. 

A Tale of Two Kitties is the ninth installment of Sophie Kelly's Magical Cats series, and it is filed enough small-town charm to make you feel like you just spent a long weekend in a sweet Midwestern village. This is the first book in the series that I've gotten a chance to read, so I did get a little confused by all the characters that I was introduced to. But digging in deeper and getting to know these characters was such fun, and the cats (the true heroes of the series, in my humble catgirl opinion) are captivating in every way. A Tale of Two Kitties is a warm and inviting respite from darker and more violent mysteries. Cat mystery lovers, dive in to these if you haven't already. And if you already know about all the charms of Owen and Hercules, then get set for another fantastic tale starring your favorite magical cats.


Galleys for A Tale of Two Kitties were provided by Penguin through their First To Read program, with many thanks. 

the good and bad of sisters

snapshot 9.3 . . . and an apology

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