wondering if you're a cat? find out for sure — words

wondering if you're a cat? find out for sure

I am a fan of cats. I post cat memes on Facebook. I like cat tweets. I watch cat videos. When I'm having a bad day, I just take a deep breath and think of how much better my life would be if I were a cat. And that is just what Catsass thinks too--his life is far, far better than ours. And Catsass is ready to share all his wisdom with us. 

Life Lessons from Catsass is a collection of puzzles, quizzes, activities, and coloring pages from Catsass and his illustrator/human/slave Claude Combacau. This charming book is filled with fun things for you to do, like zen coloring of rolls of toilet paper, a crossword of things Catsass might say, a maze to help you get Catsass to his human's toes, and the chance to put together all the pieces of the $3,000 vase that Catsass broke. Are you a real cat? Take the quiz. Make a DIY kitty toy. See if you're part of the cult of cat lovers. And find out what cats really think of laser pointers in a clever connect-the-dots game. 

Check out Catsass's recipe for the perfect burger (it has bacon, to give life meaning, as well as the cat equivalent of pickles, which seems to be a small rodent). Or you can use his recipe for a birthday cake (spoiler: the recipe does involve rolling in the flour). There are feline history lessons from Professor Catsass and cat tree assembly instructions. 

Cat lovers of all ages will laugh out loud at this book, and at themselves, seeing the fun activities and lessons in this short book. With adorable illustrations and a badass attitude, Life Lessons from Catsass makes a fantastic gift for any cat lover, anyone who thinks they might be a cat, or anyone (like me) who wants to be a cat. 


Galleys for Life Lessons from Catsass were provided by Andrews McMeel Publishing through NetGalley.com, with many thanks. 

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