the charm and exhaustion of fatherhood — words

the charm and exhaustion of fatherhood

Life is a series of moments, which I rarely stop and notice at the time, at least until I get a good reminder to slow down and enjoy what's right in front of me. And that's exactly what Sleepless Nights and Kisses for Breakfast is: a reminder to slow down and appreciate the moments you get with those you love. 

An Italian bestseller recently translated into English, this charming collection of vignettes of fatherhood is sweet, funny, moving, adorable, and utterly absorbing. Author Matteo Bussola is a comic book illustrator by trade, but his truest job is to be a partner to Paola and father to young daughters Virginia, Ginevra, and Melania. These are the years of nursery school and endless cartoon reruns, of picky eaters and dress-up, of first sleepovers and endless questions. Bussola reacts to all of it with insight and the understanding that these are the years that matters. And we are lucky enough to have him collect those moments and share them with us all.

Written in short chapters, which make for quick reading, this lovely memoir reminds you not just of the magic of children but of the magic that all our lives can have when we notice the moments. He speaks of love like a poet, of responsibility like a leader, of parenthood like someone who hasn't had a decent night's sleep in years . . . but who wouldn't have it any other way. 

These sweet memories that Bussola share make me fall in love with him, with his family, with his small Italian village, and with life itself. The life he describes is the kind I want to live (although without 3 small children). I want to find the charm in the simple moments. I want to make notes now about how love feels in its best moments. I want to be completely awake to the best of life. And I want the pizza. And the beer. And the ice cream. I want those too. 

And another thing I want? More books written by Matteo Bussola. 


Galleys for Sleepless Nights and Kisses for Breakfast were provided by the publisher through 

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