snapshot 4.9 — words

snapshot 4.9

recently finished: I finally finished The Idea of You by Amanda Prowse. It deals with a difficult subject, but it does it well, and it ends with a good resolution. More about that tomorrow . . .

currently reading: My Cubs (go baseball!), which hits stores Tuesday. Food52's new ice cream cookbook. They have a recipe for sprinkles. Homemade sprinkles! I am so excited! And Andrea Cheng's new middle grade book The Year of the Garden. I am loving it, just as much as her other books in the series. She has such a graceful way with these stories. She is one of my heroes. 

up next: I'm finally going to listen to Simon Majumdar's Fed, White, and Blue. I started it a few months back and I was loving it, but then there was something shiny. This has happened to me more than once in the past. I am working on sticking with my audiobooks better, and listening all the way through.* Anyway, I love Majumdar's work as a judge on so many Food Network shows (Cutthroat Kitchen, Iron Chef, . . . ), and his personal story of becoming a food guy as a second career is so interesting. I will enjoy this audiobook, all the way to the end. Also, I am starting another foodie book, Cork Dork, which I see everyone talking about. The title makes it sound like a crazy adventure through wine making, drinking, and loving, and that's exactly what it is. I can't wait for my wine education to begin. 


*Shonda Rhimes, I know I've started and not finished your memoir on audio, twice. The Year of Yes is coming up, I promise! I will read it all the way to the end! 

the idea of a family

listen up: meet my new bff, sara b.

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