sorry, mom, but i didn't title the book . . . — words

sorry, mom, but i didn't title the book . . .

In the spirit of Marie Kondo's clutter-busting bestseller The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up, Sarah Knight talks about busting up that emotional clutter in her book The Life-Changing Magic of Not Giving a F*ck. In this smart parody, there is actually a lot of honest, powerful information that really can change your life. 

The way she looks at it, there are only so many f*cks a person has to give, so they should be budgeted for the things and people that genuinely matter. Using her NotSorry Method, you too can figure out what you no longer need to give a f*ck about and stop using mental and emotional energy on those (for me: emails from charities wanting money, the possibility that I could win the Publisher's Clearinghouse Sweepstakes if I just go to their clickbait website one more time, broccoli, Google+, ice storms, and IPAs). 

She divides f*cks into four categories: things, work, strangers/acquaintances/friends, and family. And then she helps you decide where to spend your f*cks and where to let go. And with her NotSorry Method, you'll find you have more time, money, and energy to devote to what sparks joy instead of guilt. 

listen up: as kris kross taught us: jump, jump

where there's a will

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