i hate people who use "unputdownable" as a word. but this is unputdownable — words

i hate people who use "unputdownable" as a word. but this is unputdownable

Cat Marnell doesn't hold much back, so I won't either. How to Murder Your Life is a trashy memoir of drug use and abuse, doctor shopping, partying, clubbing, having sex with strangers, binge eating and purging, working in fashion magazines, going to rehab, and starting all over. Cat has spun her life out of control in more ways than I can count. But, baby, the girl can write! 

I had such a hard time putting this book down. It's compelling and smart and sucks you in. Cat doesn't mince words or spare your feelings. She tells you exactly how it was for her, even when it was sad, even when it was gross, even when there were mice tormenting her with their every move. 

I admit to wanting to read this when I found out about her magazine background. Cat Marnell worked for a host of Conde Nast titles, including Vogue and Lucky. She rose from the closet to Beauty Editor and talks us through it step by step. I loved this about this memoir. But there is so much more to Cat's story, and she tells all the rest of it too. 

This is not a heart-warming memoir about recovery from drug abuse or a morality tale about how to live your best life. This is not for the faint of heart. Spoiler: Cat still does drugs (she has ADHD and has trouble functioning without her meds; she knows that they can lead to a bad relapse and keeps that in mind moving forward). There are abusive men. There are abortions. There is stealing and lying and rampant drug abuse and so many wrong things. 

You might be wondering why to read this book. It's so readable and yet so painful. But Cat is someone who has found her voice. She is courageous and honest and ambitious, and she has a powerful story to tell. I'm not going to put out a blanket recommendation for everyone to read this book. But if it's for you (and you'll know if it is), then pick it up immediately and don't put it down until you get to the end. Even through the Marco chapters. 


Galleys for How To Murder Your Life were provided by the publisher through NetGalley.com.

listen up: through thick and thin

beautiful! amazing! wish i was there!

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