snapshot 12.3 — words

snapshot 12.3

recently finished: Nothing. Still working on it all. 

currently reading: I've been reading Weycombe by G. M. Maillet, which is so fantastic! It's part cozy mystery and part novel of classes and idle gossip, and I wish I could be reading it right now, but I'm struggling. My dry eyes have been especially bad this weekend, so I haven't been able to do as much reading as I wanted to. It's frustrating, because I have so much to read, there is so much I want to read and write about, and my eyes just want to stop staring at screens and pages. Eye drops and frequent rests will help, and I'll keep reading and writing as best I can right now. This is a great time for books, both for personal reading and for gift giving. 

up next: I have a bunch of good, old fashioned cozies, perfect for this cold weather snap that is coming. Read on, my friends. Read on!

the wey of the world

i love lucy

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