me oh my, i love pie — words

me oh my, i love pie

It's November as I write this, so naturally I am thinking of pie. Apple pie, pumpkin pie, cherry pie, chocolate pie. It's just that time of year (not that there's a bad time of year to be thinking of pie). So I am very happy to be able to flip through the pages of Lomelino's Pies, A Sweet Celebration of Pies, Galettes, and Tarts. 

Linda Lomelino, popular baker, blogger and food stylist at CallMeCupcake, has written and photographed a gorgeous book of pies. Its not an overly long book, but it's simplicity is part of its charm.

She starts off with Pie School, which is mostly about the crust, because let's face it--that's where we encounter most of our pie challenges. Creating a super flaky crust, knowing what kind of pan to use, how to make a lattice for the top, freezing, blind baking, storing pies--all this and more is covered in a straightforward and interesting way. 

And then there are the recipes, and the mouth-watering photos. She starts with a Classic Apple Pie and a Blueberry Pie with Buttermilk and Lemon before moving on to a Rhubarb Slab Pie and a Cinnamon Roll Pie with Apples (yes, the upper crust is made of cinnamon rolls--it looks absolutely delectable!). There are chapters on double-crust pies, crumble-topped pies, single-crust pies. galettes, and minipies and tarts. And then there is an entire chapter on pie toppings, which include ice creams, sauces, whipped creams, and cheeses. 

Lomelino's Pies is the most beautiful pie cookbook I have ever seen, its pages filled with inspiration and deliciousness, and it belongs on the shelf of every pie lover out there. 


My copy of Lomelino's Pies was won in a giveaway from Enter book giveaways, people! People really win! 

roots run deep

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