i'm SO glad we had this time together! — words

i'm SO glad we had this time together!

I am a huge fan of television, have been for as long as I remember. From the days of Woody Woodpecker and Sesame Street to The Rockford Files to Perfect Strangers to Grey's Anatomy, a television has always been playing in the background. It's the soundtrack of my life. 

When I was in elementary school and junior high (that's what we called it way back when), classic tv was the thing. Lucille Ball and Andy Griffith. Dick van Dyke and (sigh) Mary Tyler Moore. The Brady Bunch and WKRP in Cincinnati. And of course, my all-time favorite, Carol Burnett. I don't ever remember a time in my life before I loved Carol Burnett. When her show was on, I was planted in front of that box, just happy to have a few moments of her time. She was my hero. 

Looking back now, I am amazed at how funny I thought she was. My parents weren't big on black-and-white movies or taking me to the theater. My entertainment was television. I'm sure I had no idea of what she was mocking in her parodies. I'd never seen Mildred Pierce or Sunset Boulevard or even Oklahoma! But here's the thing about her special comedic genius--it didn't matter. I laughed anyway. She transcended the mere parody sketch to make true magic. Carol Burnett is a comedy god. 

Her new memoir, In Such Good Company, describes so much about her variety show that I feel like I've been standing in the wings watching her perform. While her other memoirs talk some about this time in her life, none of them go into the detail like this book. Carol Burnett talks costumes. She talks music. She talks costars and guests and crew. She dishes about all the great stars and great memories from the eleven years of The Carol Burnett Show. From the first hint of an idea to the final curtain, she pulls you in and gives you the grand tour. 

Stories about Bob Mackie? Check. Jimmy Stewart? Check. Bing Crosby? You got it. Lana Turner? Of course. Lucille Ball? Absolutely! Carol Burnett tells these stories with intelligence and grace and love, so there's not a bad one in the bunch. 

Thank you so much, Carol Burnett, for how much of yourself you've shared with us through the years, through your work, and through your words. Please keep going, keep writing, keep laughing, because your work and your words inspire us so much! 

With much love, signed, A. Fan

p.s. After reading this book, I can't help but want to sit and watch the entire series from start to finish, no edits for syndication or mere youtube clips will do. Please head to my GoFundMe page to contribute to my Buy Me The Carol Burnett Show Fund and donate! 


Galleys for In Such Good Company were provided by the publisher through NetGalley.com.  

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