listen up: it's his universe, so you play by his rules — words

listen up: it's his universe, so you play by his rules

He explored the universe. He's fought crime. He's made the law his bitch. And how he's telling you how he did it. In Shatner Rules, Captain Kirk himself gives you all the inside info on what it takes to be William Shatner. And of course I recommend this as an audiobook, because he reads it himself, which makes the experience all that much richer. 

Shatner is no stranger to controversy or drama, and he doesn't shy away it here. He talks openly about his controversies, like the ones with his Star Trek costars, as well as a lot more stories about his time in show business. He goes all the way back here, to his first theater jobs, on through his most recent work (I say "recent," but keep in mind that it was published in 2012). 

And then there are the rules. He really does tell us his rules for living a better life, a more Shat-like life, if you will, helping us all to live with greater wit, intelligence, courage, and grace. Or at least, by listening to this book, we get to live with laughter and warm memories. Either way, it's all good! I highly recommend this audiobook. 

Also, Denny Crane. 

snapshot 12.25

he ain't lying about that title

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