i like cheap books! — words

i like cheap books!

I am a big fan of acquiring books, but I have limited funds. So I try to find my books on the cheap. Here are some of my favorite places to look:

1. Half Price Books. I don't know if you are fortunate enough to have one or more of these nearby, but I have found some truly amazing books not just here for half price but in the clearance corner. I can't even begin to say how many great books I've found for only $1 or $2. And be sure to check the audiobook clearance too. If you don't have a store near you, or you're just not already aware of this, several months ago they created a website where you can buy new releases, used books, and even books on clearance. Another of my favorite HPB tips: at the end of the year, they hand out calendars filled with literary dates and information. And coupons. Get as many calendars as you can and enjoy savings throughout the year. 

2. For more discounted audiobooks, I turn to Audible. I do have a monthly subscription, but I've gotten as many $4 daily deals as I have gotten books with my monthly credits. And keep in mind that a lot of ebooks from Amazon have discounted audiobooks that will sync for you if you've got the right technology. Every once in awhile, by keeping my eyes open, I'll find an ebook on sale for only $2 or $3 on Amazon and find that they will then sell me the audio version for only a handful of more dollars. I love Audible! 

3. I know that not everyone loves ereading, but I love it. I'm not over the print book--I'll snap those up when I can too. But I love carrying around twenty books on my phone for any emergency. So I go with Amazon and check in on those daily ebook deals. However, I've found that a lot of their deals aren't on the daily deal page. So I use my Wish Lists. When I hear about a book I'm interested in, I add it to a list. Every day, I can go to my list and sort it by price, lowest to highest. If anything's on sale that day, it appears at the top of the list, and it's just a click away from my Kindle library. 

So these are my top three tips for this week. More to come on this topic in the coming weeks. In the meantime, happy reading (for cheap)!

snapshot 11.6

listen up: when the penny drops

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