all that remains, after the movie — words

all that remains, after the movie

Many years ago, I saw the movie for The Remains of the Day. It's spectacular. It's a larger than life story of love and loss, war and peace, the global events that impact our lives and the small intimate moments that make our lives worthwhile. I highly recommend it. 

Many months after seeing the movie, I stumbled across the book in one of my favorite bookstores. I bought it and started reading it, and what I found was such a surprise. 

The book is written in first person, an account by the butler Stevens, of his time at Darlington Hall. Having seen the movie before reading the book, I expected a dramatic tale told with seriousness and solemnity, with weight and power. What I quickly discovered, however, is that the voice of Stevens is one of humanity, grace, and a lovely, droll humor. I laughed my way through the book, constantly surprised by his observations as well as by the things he overlooks. 

I've been meaning to re-read the book for years now, but I haven't made the time. And then I found it on Audible. It's not a long audio book, but it's just as lovely a read to listen to as it was to consume in print years ago. Kazuo Ishiguro has written this most charming and ironic of novels that is as close to perfect as anything I could ever imagine. Read it. Or listen to it. You can even watch the movie to get the story. But to get the full impact, you have to go through the book. Like a long car trip through a beautiful country back road, you won't regret it. 

wow, florida is disturbing! but consider visiting anyway.


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