snapshot 11.17 — words

snapshot 11.17

Recently finished: The Position by Meg Wolitzer. Gillian Flynn's Dark Places. Neil Patrick Harris' Choose Your Own Autobiography. The Stand on audio. Attached on audio. 

Currently reading: Jackson Galaxy's Catification. The Dogs of Riga, aka Wallander 2. Michael Ruhlman's Ratio, because he is a god. Money: A Love Story. When Women Were Birds, because I'm taking my time with it. Persuasion on audio, because Pride and Prejudice got me hooked on the Austen. And 14 by Peter Clines on the recommendation of my boyfriend, also audio. 

Up next: John Cleese, So Anyway. Simon Rich's What in God's Name. The Remains of the Day on audio, because I read it years ago and remember laughing like crazy. And Theft of Swords on audio, again because of my boyfriend's penchant for starting long audio books on car trips and my need to follow a story to the end. And Fangirl. Because Rainbow Rowell. 

stand in the place where you are

assume the position

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