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don't worry, be reading

If you’re anything like me, you face some challenges and think to yourself that things will get better. But then something else comes up. So I get through that and think everything will get better. And then something else comes up. Life is like that sometimes, with a constant stream of family issues or work issues or health issues or relationship issues or money issues or any combination of those. Those are the times we need our friends. Those are the times we need compassion. Those are the times we need carbs. And those are the times we need uplifting cartoons like Worry Lines.

Worry Lines is an Instagram feed that features colorful cartoons with a blob person admitting to struggles, offering hope and warmth, and helping readers process difficult emotions and celebrate potatoes. Now some of those most popular cartoons have been curated into a collection and offered in book form. Worry Lines: You’re Doing Really Well Under the Circumstances is a fun, gentle book filled with smiles and hugs for you and anyone you know who may be going through a hard time.

Because we all have those bad days, with the spilled coffee and toe stubs and lost keys. And times when the only word that can express your feelings is, “Aaaaaarrrrrghh!” And there are times we are offered comfort or solutions when what we really want is revenge and cake. There is the stress of trying to relax. To err is human, but it’s also human to go to the store for milk and forget to buy milk.

But also, it’s a broken heart and the accompanying tears that can grow a flower. There are friends waiting to help you, whether they are human, pets, plants, or potatoes. You can always cake it til you make it. You can use music to help you feel better; but if the song isn’t helping, you can just use the headphones as an excuse not to talk to the people around you.

Part of the genius of these cartoons are the metaphors. The anxiety, like tea, that infuses everything. The feelings, like felines, that you can’t hang on to very easily. That roses are red and so are flags. Listening to Internal Monologue FM with DJ Subconscious, mixing up the golden oldies as well as the latest hits. It’s the first day of the rest of my life, so it will probably be a bit weird, like the first pancake.

I loved Worry Lines. It’s sweet and encouraging while understanding when you want to just go back to bed all day. It’s a reminder that things will be better while not being judgmental if you need cake to help get you through. It’s about trying not to overthink but instead celebrate all the ways you are weird. It’s a great gift for anyone who is struggling. And if you look around your friends group and see that you’re struggling the most, grab the snacks that speak to you most and let these colorful cartoons help you feel less alone and more connected. Because no matter what, you’re doing really well under the circumstances. As am I.

Egalleys for Worry Lines were provided by Andrews McMeel Publishing through Edelweiss, with many thanks.