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calming cats in colorful art

Cats are a miracle. They are fuzzy little killing machines that can conform to almost any space, like a liquid. They are the ultimate Zen masters, sleeping often to recharge, finding the most comfortable places in any home, using play to build relationships with the humans they love. Cats know how lo live.

Humans, not so much. We struggle to get everything done, to relax, to sleep. We forget to play, and instead just keep moving and doing and striving. Or at least, I do. Sometimes I need a reminder to slow down and breathe, to let my shoulders fall back down into place, to believe.

Catffrirmations is the perfect book for one of those days where I am feeling overwhelmed and exhausted. There are short affirmations to take in, written by a very clever kitty, which add light humor and feline wisdom.

But the real appeal of this book is the artwork. Illustrator Lim Heng Swee is a blend of traditional Japanese art and adorable cats. With a nod towards the woodblock prints we love, these illustrations bring that sense of movement and uses bright colors to show just how special cats are. There are cats sleeping and cats falling and cats ruling over us all. The cats are the water, the mountains, the flowers, and the plants.

Catffirmations is a short book, perfect as a gift for cat lovers. I love these illustrations, and the simple words are centering and calming. The art is so beautiful. I feel like I can just sit and stare at them and feel the stress falling away. Sitting with this book is like sitting with a cat on your lap, purring contentedly or even falling asleep. It’s perfect for a bad day, for a friend or for yourself. As someone who had a bad day and then came home to read this book, I can attest to that.

Egalleys for Catffirmations were provided by Chronicle Books through Edelweiss, with many thanks.