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just finished: The Bridesmaids Union by Jonathan Vatner. This is about a woman who is constantly being asked to be a bridesmaid and gets frustrated with the bridezillas she has to deal with. She starts a private Facebook group to find support from other often-bridesmaids, but when the next bride is her own sister, things get even crazier. It’s a lot of fun, and everyone with a stash of old bridesmaid dresses at the back of the closet will understand why Iris got a little crazy on Facebook about the brides getting a little crazy about their weddings..

currently reading: I’m about a third of the way through Surrounded by Narcissists by Thomas Erikson, out on Tuesday. I think just about everyone needs to read this book. It feels like narcissists are everywhere these days, and Erickson’s book is partly an explanation of why they act the way they do and part suggestions on making life easier for the rest of us, particularly those who have a narcissist in their life that they can’t just walk away from. I’m also listening to his last book, Surrounded by Psychopaths, on audio. And I just started A Thousand Miles, about a young woman with a podcast who is approached by her high school boyfriend for a road trip. She has spent ten years getting over him, and then he shows up on her doorstep asking for a big favor. He needs help cleaning out his grandmother’s house, and he wants to recreate the epic road trip that they had gone on in high school. This is going to be a little crazy, and I can’t wait to find out what happens.

up next: I am looking forward to reading some good kids books this summer. It’s a great time to read kids books, along with beach reads (and everything else). And this one showed up in the mail, and I am super excited to read it!