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currently reading: I finally got a chance to dive in to Flight Risk, the second of Cherie Priest’s Booking Agents series, with psychic travel agent Leda working on a missing persons case while Detective Grady Merritt works on finding out what happened to the person whose leg his dog had found in a national park. It turns out that the cases are related, and Leda is touching all the clues she can get her hands on to see if her psychic powers will give her a way to crack the case(s). I’m still waiting to find out the answer to that one, but I am loving this book. These characters are so fantastic! I’ve also started listening to Jenn McKinlay’s It Happened One Christmas Eve, a holiday rom com novella that is lots of fun. It will be out this Tuesday, along with Feel the Bern, the cozy mystery where Bernie Sanders and his intern investigate when Big Maple (syrup) starts to threaten the artisan maple syrups that Bernie loves so much. This one is a lot of fun.

up next: Soon it will be time for the new Agatha Raisin book, December 13 for Devil’s Delight, and I am so looking forward to reading that one. And out last week is the new Louise Penny, which I still haven’t had a chance to sit and listen to yet. Maybe this will be my week? We’ll see how things go. But I have started watching the Amazon Prime series based on her work, and I am loving that, so I have been spending time in Three Pines, which is always such a treat.