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just finished: nothing new. But I’m working on a lot of good books that I can’t wait to talk about this week.

currently reading: I’m currently reading The Rehearsals, a Groundhog Day like story of a couple who are enjoying the weekend of their wedding with their families. But during the rehearsal dinner, big secrets come out that make both of them reconsider what they’re doing with their lives. The night ends with them apart, and the next morning they replay the day of the rehearsal dinner again. But only the bride and groom. No one around them realizes anything is amiss, but they have to process the life-changing information they learned the night before and figure out what they want for their future. I’m really enjoying it, and I can’t wait to see how it ends. I’m also reading Louise Candish’s new thriller The Other Passenger (out Tuesday), about a couple of guys who commute together and are friends enough to have drinks after work and occasionally get together for dinner. But then one goes missing, and the other has to tell the police everything he knows. I’m loving this one. And then, the perfect poolside read, The Sinful Lives of Trophy Wives, about rich suburban women who live in the same neighborhood. It’s out Tuesday also, and it is exactly the book your want to take on your summer vacation, for the airplane, for the beach, for the pool, or just for reading in bed and remembering how it’s not so bad to be . . . well, not rich. And I have just a little bit more of Jessica Darling #2 to listen to before I highly recommend it to anyone who loves ‘90s YA and I’m reading an adorable kids’ graphic novel called Super Potato and the Greenhouse of Evil.

up next: I am happy to say that there are several good cozies coming out, for those who need a short book and maybe want to think about killing people. Out this week is Fatal Family Ties, the latest in S. C. Perkins’ Ancestry Detective mysteries. Next week is time for Murder, She Edited, the latest in Kaitlyn Dunnett’s series about Mickie, a retiree and freelance editor who keeps finding murder victims. Also next week is Carlene O’Connor’s first in a new series, Murder in Connemara. And The Rocky Road to Ruin, the latest in Meri Allen’s Ice Cream Shop mystery. Because, and this is important: ice cream. And that first Tuesday in August brings us the latest from Donna Andrews, Murder Most Fowl. So many great cozies to talk about soon, and I am excited! Also, now I want ice cream.

But upcoming books aside, one of my former professors posted recently on Facebook that Amazon still had copies of his wife’s book in stock. I hadn’t known she had written a book, so I immediately wanted to know more. This is it, her personal essays and poetry about her struggles with mental illness. I am looking forward to carving out some time to read it. I have had the pleasure of meting Susan, and while I hate that she’s had to battle with depression and anxiety (although I’m not sure I know anyone who hasn’t), I look forward to hearing about her struggles with the intelligence and grace that I know she embodies. And if you’re interested, last I checked, there were still more left, so grad your copy while you can.