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just finished: nothing. But I’ve got my fingers in a lot of really good books right now.

currently reading: All Her Little Secrets, out this Tuesday. A black woman is an attorney at a prestigious family-owned company in Atlanta. She has to fight racism and misogyny, trying to fit in with all the good ol’ boys. Then her boss kills himself, and she’s shocked to find him. Then she gets promoted to his job. Then she finds out it wasn’t suicide—it was murder. And when she finds out that her brother may somehow be involved as well, she knows she has to find out what’s going on, even if that puts her in danger. It’s fascinating! I’m also reading Grave Reservations, about a psychic travel agent who saves a Seattle police detective from a flight that became a fireball, and he asks for her help solving a murder. The characters in this one are pure delight! And I’m reading The Holiday Swap, about a women who works as a judge on a popular baking show. An accident on the set gives her a concussion, and it temporarily damagers her senses of taste and smell. She can’t do her job like that, but she’s up for another show, so she has to keep working. What she really needs is a stand-in who looks just like her . . . or a twin sister. Her sister, meanwhile, is trying to cover their parents’ bakery during the busy holiday season while attempting to end things with her long-term boyfriend. So they swap, and everything works out perfectly and no one figures it out, because that’s how these twin sister swap stories always go, right? I’m still waiting to read for myself what happens next, but as soon as I get there, I will pass it on!

up next: Darlings, it’s that time again!. Jessica Darling number four, Fourth Comings, is being re-released by St. Martin’s. I snagged the audio again, so I get to listen to her exploits all week. Can’t wait! Also, I was lucky enough to score this one in a Goodreads giveaway from St. Martin’s Press. Eating Salad Drunk! It’s haikus from comedians, and includes gems like this one from Ophira Eisenberg. It’s so true. So powerful! Also, now I want chocolate.

I am on the couch

But my brain is in the fridge

With the chocolate.