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just finished: Head Over Heels, an adorable rom com set in competitive gymnastics. The main character, Avery Abrams, was a teenaged gymnast, Olympics-probable, who got injured and lost her gymnastics career. Now she’s back as a coach with an Olympics hopeful and is reconciling who she was as a gymnast with who she wants to be as a coach. I loved the book, but it was a little heartbreaking to realize the cost of the 2020 Olympics being in flux for so many young athletes. Happily in fiction, there was no pandemic. But then you close the book and you’re back in the real 2020. But you know what that means? You need a new book to escape into, amiright?!

currently reading: Just finishing up The Swap, about the effect of friendship on the lives of 3 women on an island where monogamy is not necessarily the norm. I also just started Crushing It, which I won in a giveaway. It’s about a woman working in a gaming company trying to overcome her struggles with social awkwardness. I’m really just a handful of pages in, but I can already tell I’m going to love it. I’m also about halfway through listening to The Whisper Man. I was nervous about this one, as there is a horror aspect to it, but I am fascinated. And as a bonus, it’s narrated by Christopher Eccleston, a British actor known by many from his time on Doctor Who, but who I loved in Cracker and the movie The Invisible Circus. No matter how many things I see him in, I still think of him as Wolf.

up next: A Fatal Fiction, the latest in the series of editing cozies. As a former freelance editor, I love the idea of this series. I’m looking forward to this third installment. I’m also really looking forward to Not Like the Movies, Kerry Winfrey’s follow-up to Waiting for Tom Hanks. I love my thrillers, but this year especially just cries out for fun and whimsical books!