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fabby fab and marvy, with hints of maturiosity

Teenage Brit girl Georgia Nicolson is back, and she has matured to where it’s not just about boys and makeup anymore. It’s also about friends, and family, and getting a chance to go on a trip to America. Hamburger-a-gogo land won’t know what hit it!

But Georgia finds herself on the horns of a dilemma. She is in love with an Italian lurve god, but she also still has thoughts of her ex-boyfriend sex god Robby, who moved to New Zealand. And she loves hanging out with her pal Dave the Laugh. It’s a situation full of confusiosity.

But if anyone can figure it out, it’s Georgia, with the help of her best mates and Sven, along with and cross-eyed ginger kitten Gordy and maybe even her mother.

Then He Ate My Boy Entrancers is book 6 in the Confessions of Georgia Nicolson series. I love this series, written for teens and pre-teens, and I’ve read it over and over. But this one I listened to on audio, as the narrator is none other than author Louise Rennison herself. Listening to her read her own book makes me feel like I’m hearing the book as it was meant to be read, by the person who knows these character best. It was such a lovely experience, on top of getting to hear a super-funny novel that reminds you of why you’re so glad you’re not a teenager any more (you know, if you’re reading these as an old person, like me).

I adore Georgia and her crazy adventures, and I will always recommend reading or listening to these books in any form you can find them. They are absolutely fantastic, filled with energy and whimsy, written in teen girl language (but don’t worry, there is a glossary in the back, for the unique Georgia-isms as well as the American equivalents of her British slang). Each of the books in this series is a delight, but I have to say I took extra pleasure in listening to this one, read by author/goddess herself Louise Rennison. Keep this one in mind for the teenaged and pre-teen girls in your life, as well as for yourself for those bad days.