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recently finished: I am 30 minutes or so from finishing Shari Lapena’s Someone We Know, so I’m counting it. It is banana pants and makes me want to never spend time with neighbors!

currently reading: Late last week I started the audio book for Louisa Luna’s Two Girls Down, and I am absolutely loving it! It’s phenomenal, and I absolutely adore the main character, Alice Vega. She is a private investigator who doesn’t take anything from anyone. I keep thinking that if some crazy scientist could someone combine Kinsey Milhone and Jack Reacher in a lab, the resulting kickass would look a lot like Alice Vega. I also just started Hank Phillippi Ryan’s The Murder List, which comes out Tuesday. I may not finish in time to talk about it this week, as my day job is still crazy busy, but I’m only a couple of chapters in and I can already tell it’s going to be an amazing ride. If you like legal thrillers, then put this one on your list!

up next: Jersey Shore star Vinnie is coming out with a new cookbook, and I get an early look at it. Keep an eye out for Keto Guido, because it’s coming to all the bookstores near you!