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recently finished: I finally read Where’d You Go, Bernadette? and I loved it! I am looking forward to seeing the movie later this year, but more for the daughter Bee than to see Bernadette. I loved Bee Branch!

currently reading: The Floating Feldmans, about a crazy family stuck together on a cruise. Each person in the family has a secret, and I can see the point in the cruise where it all comes out. I’m about a third of the way in, and I can’t wait for the fireworks! I also started Karen Cleveland’s Keep You Close, about an FBI investigator who finds out that her teenaged son may be getting recruited by a domestic terrorist group. I started reading this book, and stopped to look on Amazon to see how many books in the series I’d already missed. Nope. This is a stand-alone. But the characters are so fully formed that it feels like book 9 out of a 14 book series. It’s so amazing!

up next: Since I finally made it through Magpie Murders, I am lining up Anthony Horowitz’s next 2 novels: The Word is Murder and this year’s, just released The Sentence is Death. Should be fun! Also, I’m about to start Herman Koch’s newest, The Ditch, coming out in a couple of weeks, and The Truffle Underground, about the shadowy world of the truffle market. I can’t wait to dig into that one!

I do feel bad about only getting a couple of blog posts done last week. There were tornadoes in the area Tuesday night, and it threw me for a couple of days. And maybe it only matters to me, but I still wanted to get more done last week. However, this is another week, so I have another chance to write happy things about good books. Yay!