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murder is baaaaaaaaaad

Abi Logan is back for another Scottish adventure. Wanting to be a better contributor to the Whisky business that her late uncle left her, she has started taking classes in Edinburgh. She also works at the non-profit she set up to honor her late uncle and has taken to adopting retired sheep. That last part leaves her with a lot of wool she needs to find a home for, so she was happy to find a friend in the yarn business.

Amanda owns a yarn shop, knits sweaters for the shop, spins her own yarn from wool, and helps out with a local women’s shelter. But it’s when she gets Abi involved in helping the shelter too that things take a dark turn.

First, their landlord tells them that they have to move. Then one of the women at the shelter dies, and another one goes missing. Abi finds that she just can’t walk away. Even though she’s the newest kid on the block with this group, she feels attached and wants to help. But she’ll have to use all her resources and make smart choices to find the answers without getting herself into trouble that she can’t get out of.

Died in the Wool is the fourth in Melinda Mullet’s Whisky Business Mystery series. I have been a fan of this series from the start. These are just fun, interesting, well-written cozy mysteries. Abi is a likable business woman, and following her exploits makes for a very enjoyable afternoon. While this installment doesn’t spend as much time at Abbey Glen, there is still some good information about smaller artisan batches of whisky, and we get to see a more well-rounded life for Abi. Plus, there are sheep. How can you not love sheep?

Highly recommended.

Galleys for Died in the Wool were provided by Random House Publishing Group - Alibi through NetGalley, with many thanks.