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recently finished: The Wife Between Us, a year late. The authors have a new book coming out Tuesday that I will be reading soon. But their first is an amazing twisty thriller that I (along with everyone else) highly recommend. And watch for their new book Tuesday, An Anonymous Girl.

currently reading: The Unteachables, a super-fun book about a group of 8th graders who no one wants to teach and a teacher who has lost his way. I love it, love it, love it. Also listening to Dan Harris’ 10% Happier, a perfect book for the New Year. Also, in a New Years tradition, I’ve been rereading Bridget Jones’ Diary, just for fun. I highly recommend reading it (or rereading it) this time of year.

up next: An Anonymous Girl (see above) and The Au Pair, another twisty tale that people will be talking about very soon. It’s a whole new year with whole new books. Let’s do this!